Video Length
Quiz Questions
Estimated Time to Complete
20 minutes
Lesson Description
A compliance checklist can serve two important purposes for your dealership. First, using a compliance checklist allows you to identify and address problems with a deal file quickly. Second, a compliance checklist can serve as the basis for dealership training on identified issues. To ensure that you are thoroughly reviewing compliance issues, it is recommended that you consolidate all of your checklists into one master checklist, or have a separate checklist devoted solely to compliance. These lessons are designed to educate the learner on the components of a compliance checklist and how to properly use the checklist to identify and remedy compliance issues at the dealership.
Importance of the Checklist
Components of the Checklist
License and Insurance
Deployable online with Mosaic's LMS
Track and retain employee completions
SCORM Compliant version available
Text summary
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